all shapes come from the basic shapes of circle, square, triangle and rectangle and they are such fun to play with too. why did the Divine Mother (or the good lord) create it all? 'coz s/he was having such a ball!
squacir | circsqua | ||
4tiles1 | 4tiles2 | ||
flow_geom1 | flow_geom2 | ||
flow_geom3 | quirky_geometry | ||
menhirs | rectria | ||
cregg | recov | ||
geomandala |
geomandala2 |
to purchase any of the digital art prints click on the image and you can get various options for sizes and materials with prices or click here .
abstract_art1, abstract_art2, simple_art, figurative_abstracts, figurative_art_women, decorative_art, decorative_art2, child_art, misc_art, sketches. canvas_paintings1, canvas_paintings2, canvas_paintings3, rasa_paintings4, paintings5. about_me :- me_as_therapist, me_as_consciousness_researcher, me_as_writer, me_as_actor, me_as_HR_consultant, me_as_artist. contact_me, art_links, sitemap.
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also created layers of self